La industria de la dieta ha estado plagada de planes extravagantes de moda, que no hacen otra cosa más que desacelerar tu metabolismo y preparar tu cuerpo para el aumento de peso por el «efecto rebote». Es tiempo de cambiar. Si deseas adelgazar rápidamente, de manera saludable y hacer uso de las herramientas y recursos para mantener el nuevo peso de por vida, este es el libro para ti.
La autora de éxitos en ventas, emprendedora líder en salud y bienestar, nutricionista famosa y oradora motivacional Haylie Pomroy tiene la respuesta. Basándose en su principio fundamental de usar los «alimentos como medicina», ha creado la dieta La revolución del metabolismo, que manipula estratégicamente los macronutrientes para acelerar la tasa metabólica del cuerpo, una forma garantizada de encender el motor de un metabolismo en punto muerto. Siguiendo el plan La revolución del metabolismo, quemarás grasa, desarrollarás músculos, mejorarás la piel, incrementarás tus niveles de energía y te verás y sentirás de maravilla, todo mientras adelgazas rápidamente y te mantienes activo de por vida.
Author Info
Haylie Pomroy is the founder and CEO of The Haylie Pomroy Group, an integrative health care practice that helps clients achieve their health, wellness, and weight-loss goals through strategic programs fueled by world class supplements. Haylie serves as the Assistant Director of Integrative Medicine at the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine and The Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine at Nova Southeastern University.
A health strategist for over 25 years, Haylie is a sought-after wellness consultant who has worked with nationally recognized and highly regarded physicians at top hospitals and medical institutions throughout the world. Her expertise has helped diagnose and heal a wide range of issues and disorders related not just to weight and metabolic dysfunction but also to digestion, hormonal balance, autoimmunity, and more.
Haylie’s journey began when she was diagnosed with her own autoimmune disorder. Her research into the mechanisms and biochemistry of her disease led to the development of a supplement line and a range of customized metabolic programs that focus on the strategic application of nutrient-dense foods and supplements to help others reclaim their health in the most efficient, effective, and safest way possible.
Eve Adamson is an eight-time New York Times bestselling author and multiple-award-winning freelance writer who has written or cowritten more than seventy-five books, including the #1 New York Times bestselling book The Fast Metabolism Diet.