Una revolucionaria guía para dominar las entrevistas de trabajo, donde encontrarás consejos y técnicas comprobadas que te ayudarán triunfar en tu búsqueda laboral al descubrir tu estilo personal.
Las recomendaciones tradicionales sobre las entrevistas de trabajo no funcionan. Eso aprendió Anna Papalia durante años de experiencia como profesional en el area de recursos humanos, consultora para las compañías de Fortune 500 y profesora en la Fox School of Business. Ninguna de estas herramientas funciona por una sencilla razón: no abordan lo que en realidad hace que una entrevista sea excelente, el autoconocimiento. En esencia, una entrevista es un conjunto de preguntas sobre ti mismo. Si no te conoces, no te irá bien.
Decidida a hacer del proceso algo mejor, más inclusivo y menos oscuro, Anna pasó años investigando cómo se llevan a cabo las entrevistas de trabajo y descubrió una nueva ciencia de la entrevista al hallar que existen cuatro estilos principales que demuestran las personas en este tipo de diálogo: puedes ser un carismático, un desafiante, un examinador o un armonizador. Tu estilo influye en tu perspectiva sobre las entrevistas y, en última instancia, en cómo te desenvuelves en ellas. En este libro, Anna te enseña a identificar tu estilo individual (y el de la persona con quien te entrevistas) y ofrece consejos prácticos sobre cómo utilizar este conocimiento para que tu próxima entrevista sea exitosa.
Trascendiendo las recomendaciones típicas, que no son útiles en el mundo real —como memorizar respuestas escritas o guías rígidas—, este libro es un acercamiento centrado en el autoconocimiento —y en cómo desarrollarlo— para ayudarnos a manejar nuestro propio estilo de entrevista. Se trata del poder que conlleva conocerte a ti mismo y de cómo ese conocimiento puede conducirte hacia una carrera y una vida más exitosas.
A groundbreaking guide to mastering the job interview, offering proven advice and techniques to discover your unique interview style that is key to interviewing better—for those on either side of the table.
Conventional interviewing advice doesn’t work. That’s what Anna Papalia learned through years of experience as an HR professional, consultant for Fortune 500 companies, and teacher at the Fox School of Business. None of the existing tools work for one simple reason: they don’t get to the heart of what actually makes a great interview—self-awareness. At its core, an interview is a set of questions about you. If you don’t know yourself, you won’t do well.
Determined to make the process better, more inclusive, and less obscure, Anna spent years researching how people interview and uncovered a new science to interviewing, rooted in the finding that there are four main styles people exhibit in an interview: you can be a Charmer, a Challenger, an Examiner, or a Harmonizer. Your style influences how you view and approach interviews, and ultimately how you perform in them. In Interviewology, Anna teaches you how to identify your individual style (and that of who you are interviewing with) and offers pragmatic tips for using this knowledge to nail your next interview.
Going beyond generic advice that isn’t useful in the real world—such as memorizing rote answers or strict guidelines—Interviewology is a revolutionary approach that focuses on self-awareness—and how to develop it—to help everyone master their own unique interview style. It’s about the power of knowing yourself and how that insight can lead to a more successful career and life.
Author Info
Anna Papalia is the CEO of Interviewology, a keynote speaker, and a career influencer with over 1.5 million followers across social media platforms. She has worked with large companies, such as Cigna and Lincoln Financial, and taught at Temple University’s Fox School of Business for 12 years, where she collected research and discovered the four interview styles. As a former Director of Talent Acquisition turned career coach, she has vast experience on both sides of the interview table and knows what it takes to interview better. She has advised more than ten thousand clients, helping students, entrepreneurs, senior executives, and job seekers in all industries, and taught hundreds of corporate training sessions dedicated to training hiring managers how to interview. Nominated for HR Person of the Year in 2020, she is also a public speaker at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and DisruptHR, and is a highly sought-after thought leader on all things interviewing. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.