A lo largo de su presidencia, John F. Kennedy estuvo apasionado por el tema de la reforma migratoria. Él pensaba que los Estados Unidos son una nación de personas que valoran equitativamente las tradiciones y la exploración de nuevas fronteras, dignos de la libertad para construir mejores vidas para sí mismos en su país adoptivo.
Esta edición del sexagésimo aniversario de este ensayo póstumo y perene, que incluye una introducción del Congresista Joe Kennedy III y un prólogo de Jonathan Greenblatt, Director Ejecutivo y Director Nacional de ADL (Liga Anti-Difamación), ofrece palabras y observaciones inspiradoras del presidente Kennedy acerca de la diversidad que ha estado presente desde los orígenes de los Estados Unidos y la importancia de los inmigrantes en la fundación de los Estados Unidos.
Enfatizando en el impacto y las contribuciones de la inmigración para el éxito del país, esta nueva edición contiene recursos actualizados sobre la política actual.
Author Info
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) was president of the United States from 1961 to 1963. At forty-three, he was the youngest man ever elected to the Oval Office and the first Roman Catholic president.
“In this book, President Kennedy tells us what immigrants have done for America, and what America has done for its immigrants. It is one of the dramatic success stories of world history.... It can stand as a testament to a cause President Kennedy cherished, and which we should carry on.” — Robert F. Kennedy
“In this timeless book, President Kennedy shows how the United States has always been enriched by the steady flow of men, women and families to our shores. It is a reminder that America’s best leaders have embraced, not feared, the diversity which makes America great.” — Former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright
“An enduring reminder of where we—the United States of America—come from. We must remain mindful that there is much more that unites us than divides us…. John F. Kennedy’s legacies are many but let A Nation of Immigrants always remind us of our shared dreams, goals, and destiny as a nation.” — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
“Reading A Nation of Immigrants should invigorate us all as we fight the forces of fear and hatred that seek to end all immigration to this country.” — Senator Mazie K. Hirono
“President Kennedy in his timeless book on immigration, reminds us of the fact that we are a nation of immigrants… The words are more relevant and important today than when it was published.” — U.S. Senator Mel Martínez (FL Retired)
“The United States has benefited incalculably from the diverse perspectives and enterprising spirit of immigrants and refugees, contributing to the innovative, pluralistic culture that distinguishes America. President Kennedy related this greatness in a timeless essay that serves as a worthy reminder for our times.” — Daniel Lubetzky, Founder & CEO of KIND Healthy Snacks
“Written in 1958, A Nation of Immigrants is every bit as relevant today as it was when written 60 years ago.” — Mark Hetfield, President & CEO, HIAS (Founded in 1881 as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
“Sixty years later, President Kennedy’s A Nation of Immigrants remains one of the purest descriptions of the promise of America. Rarely has a message been more timeless and more timely.” — Ali Noorani, Executive Director, National Immigration Forum
“Kennedy’s eloquent account of the contributions and sacrifices made by legions of prior immigrants to build and nurture this great nation is a potent — and timely — reminder that there is strength in difference and power in diversity.” — Joichi Ito, director of the MIT Media Lab
“This book should be read by every politician involved in the immigration debate, and by every citizen interested in the current immigration debate—which means it should be read by every American.” — OnTheIssues.org